Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Its been a while...

Well what a few weeks...Finally I had a week off,it was a very long four months at work so I was so in need! I headed straight off on the ferry and drove to Germany,may have only been a "sun hoilday" but who cares! We stayed at Sudee camp up in north Germany,would highly recomend,just in nicer weather than we had,dont think I've ever seen so much rain! It is located well for trips to Hannover,Hamburg and Bergen Belsen.The later of which was one of the most upsetting of SS camps I have visted,maybe its was also the personal stories from my mums uncle who one of the first British troops to arrive,and met with the horror of the place.
Whilst away lots of smurf shopping was of course done...will add later!

Something I never thought I'd see was Steps reforming and touring! But thankfully its happening I just seemed to fall back into Steps crave mode.What started out as me kinda panicing i would be having to pay ebay prices to get even a ticket has turned into me so far going to four shows!And my mum bless her getting her wish to finally go see this band that as she puts it took up so much of my time(and money!).As a warm upto the Steps tour she did get dragged to see Faye and H in "Rhineshone Mondays" which has since been cancelled,not to much surprise as theatre wasn't very full! But the show wasn't bad,and if nothing else she came away deciding that H wasn't that bad after all!lol...

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Another smurfy day...

Well what a smurfy day in town I had,never thought I would be able to get so many smurf items within my town centre. I started off in Toysrus and didnt have much luck saw the wii & ds games,also the megablocks which are more expensive than in Belgium where i got mine. Anyway once in town I went into Primark and was greeted by a papa smurf t-shirt,so for £8 i brought it as night-shirt.Then into Entertainer,again the megablocks but cheaper! Then I spotted a smurf movie plush,sadley there was only two Papa & Gutsy both reduced to £7,and on next shelf was the movie figures reduced to £3 each,sadley they didn't have smurfette though.Anyway finally made it to Build a bear to get plushes as this was whole reason for going into town,and they didnt have Brainy,so I left empty handed as wanted to get all 3 for £18.
Then I got home to find some packets,sadly one has the wrong smurf in,but they have said they will change it for free,so we will see! Dont you just love the ebayers from China etc. Also my World of smurfs book arrived.
Anyway heres some of the photos,looking forward to see what the postie brings tomorrow!

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

smurfy: A smurfy week...

smurfy: A smurfy week...: "Well its been a week since i set this up,and really should get around to telling people i guess....lol Its been a smurfy-week with lots of ..."

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Starting off....

Ok I decided it was time to see what all this blogging is about! Having tried Myspace which was great at the start but it seems everyone has left to join Facebook which again is good fun,and now of course theres Twitter which is ok but hard to express anything with real meaning in so little words,but is good for competitions and not much else for me.
So what will I be blogging about well....
My love for the little blue smurfs and my collection.
My celeb stalking,craving-whatever the new "it" word is at the moment.
Concert and theatre shows I've been to see.
Competitions,and prizes I may have won of late.
My trips away,and reviewing the places I have stayed and visited.
The antics of Pimboli & Liebling,my pest' cats.
My views on the world,tv,music and anything else that catches my eye.
So enjoying reading,but remember everyone has their own opinion which is great to share,but not open to be abused.